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S.No. Catalog No. HSN Code GST % CAS Chemical Name Pack Rs./Pack Availability
1 U21002 18 66-22-8 Uracil 25grms 300.00 5 packs Add to Cart
2 U21002 18 66-22-8 Uracil 100grms 1150.00 5 packs Add to Cart
3 U21003 18 57-13-6 Urea Technical Grade 500grms 225.00 5 packs Add to Cart
4 U21003 18 57-13-6 Urea Technical Grade 5kgs 1300.00 5 packs Add to Cart
5 U21004 124-43-6 Urea hydrogen peroxide Contact Request For Quote
6 V22005 18 72-18-4 L- Valine 500grms 2400.00 5 packs Add to Cart
7 V22005 18 72-18-4 L- Valine 1kgs 3500.00 5 packs Add to Cart
8 V22005 18 72-18-4 L- Valine 100grms 650.00 5 packs Add to Cart
9 V22005 18 72-18-4 L- Valine 25grms 250.00 5 packs Add to Cart
10 V22006 18 121-34-6 Vanillic Acid 25grms 600.00 Contact Add to Cart
11 V22006 18 121-34-6 Vanillic Acid 500grms 9900.00 Contact Add to Cart
12 V22006 18 121-34-6 Vanillic Acid 100grms 2080.00 Contact Add to Cart
13 V22007 18 121-33-5 Vanillin 500grms 2800.00 5 packs Add to Cart
14 V22007 18 121-33-5 Vanillin 100grms 700.00 5 packs Add to Cart
15 V22010 18 3153-26-2 Vanadyl acetylacetonate, 98% 50grms 1620.00 Contact Add to Cart
16 V22010 18 3153-26-2 Vanadyl acetylacetonate, 98% 10grms 605.00 Contact Add to Cart
17 V22010 18 3153-26-2 Vanadyl acetylacetonate, 98% 250grms 6300.00 Contact Add to Cart
18 V23000 18 13476-99-8 Vanadium(III) acetyl acetonate 50grms 6350.00 Contact Add to Cart
19 V23000 18 13476-99-8 Vanadium(III) acetyl acetonate 10grms 1915.00 Contact Add to Cart
20 V23001 18 1826-67-1 Vinylmagnesiumbromide (1 M in THF) 500mls 4860.00 Contact Add to Cart